A firm Foothold – 2015.09.09
The Lord is my light and my salvation:
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life:
of whom I shall be afraid?
Psalm 27:1
What a comfort is this psalm for me! It leads me again to the right way, to the path of faith. Often I get confused, problems and questions are besetting me. In this situation it is redeeming to remember back to the Lord: He is the one who keeps me!
Whatever may happen, it may storm and rage, I am safe in the hand of my Lord. It may be war, people may attack me in words and deeds and even telling lies to me, may illness and weakness be in me today, I am certain nevertheless: He has everything under control. Even if my father and mother forsake me He will be there and welcome me. In Him I have a Father whom I can really trust.
I will seek His Face and peace will be in me again. I will tell Him about all my grieves to receive His consolation and strength. In the last verse of above psalm He says: Wait for the Lord: be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord!
Yes, so I will do it. My strength is not sufficient, but His power. My hope is weak but He always gives me new hope. My words are often so modest; however His word is powerful and almighty. He is in me! That is the solution of all my problems. Therefore I seek Him, are comforting my heart in His presence at His heart. Thank you, Lord, for the quiet times with You!
Thank you, Father, You are stronger than everything that afflicted me! In You I am safe and secure. You have a way for me. You have hope for me. I am holding Your Hand and You will lead me safely. You are my good Shepherd!
Bible reading today – Psalm 27: 1-14