A fortified wall – 2015.05.16
Then I will make you to this people a fortified wall of bronze; and though they fight against you, they will not prevail over you; for I am with you to save you and deliver you," declares the LORD
Jeremiah 15 ; 20
Jeremiah laid despondently on the floor. He had done nothing evil and yet the whole world was against him. He had heard from God and told His words! But the people did not want to hear this and were hostile towards him and pushed him out of the community.
He laments with the song: „My mother, I wish I had never been born! The whole land opposes me. They fight against me. I haven’t made loans to anyone. And I haven’t borrowed anything. But everyone curses me anyway.Lord, you understand how much I’m suffering. Show concern for me. Take care of me. When I received your words, I ate them. They filled me with joy. My heart took delight in them. Lord God who rules over all, I belong to you…..I sat alone because you had put your powerful hand on me….Why does my pain never end? Why is my wound so deep? Why can’t I ever get well? To me you are like a stream that runs dry. You are like a spring that doesn’t have any water.”
God loved Jeremiah. He totally knew Him. He had not planned anything evil or bad for him. He wanted Jeremiah to turn back to him and again to trust Him and lean on His strength and mercy. The Lord said to Him: „If you turn away from your sins, I will heal you. And then you will be able to serve me. Speak words that are worthy, not worthless. Then you will be speaking for me. Let these people turn to you. But you must not turn to them. I will make you like a wall to them. I will make you like a strong bronze wall. The people will fight against you. But they will not overcome you. I am with you. I will save you…I will save you from the hands of evil people…I will set you free from those who treat you badly”
God gave Jeremiah courage in his difficult situation. He is there! He does not desert us. He makes us strong and firm, if we abandon ourselves to Him and wait on His salvation. The people were wavering. Sometime friend, sometime foe. But we stand firm and secure, as our God.
Thank you Lord, that you hold me so that I can securely stand. Also, when others curse me you stand by me. You are there to save me and bring me freedom. You correct me where what lays in me is false. Where I do not trust, strengthen my faith: Thank you that even though I am a weak, lacking person, despite this you are faithful. You never forget me!
Todays bible verses : Psalm 93: 1-5