A great God – 2015.08.18
Jesus demonstrated His disciples through a parable that they should always pray and not give up.
Luke 18:1
In a city there lived a judge who neither feared God nor cared about men. In the same city there lived a widow who kept coming to him with a plea: Grant me justice against my adversary! He refused to listen for a long time. But then he said to himself: Even though I do not fear God or care about men, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually wear me out with her coming, hit me in the face. And the Lord added: Think about that what the unjust judge says. Will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones who cry to Him day and night, will hesitate instead? I tell you: He will see that they get justice immediately. However, when the Son of Men comes, will He find faith on the earth?
With God we cannot do business or deal with Him. Neither does He accept compromises. It is as Jesus says: It will be done according to your faith. Faith is the key with which we receive what God promised us.
How we comprehend God? Is He the Righteous for us? Is He always punishing us? Is He sometimes kind sometimes nasty to us as He likes it? Is He my Judge who checks everything one hundred percent? If so our prayers only rarely will be answered.
Is God my loving Father? Did He forgive my trespasses, did he wipe out my faults? Did Jesus die for me because He loves me so? Is God great, almighty and generous, kind, patient and loving? If we trust and see Him in this way it is easy for us to ask Him for everything. We are certain, God hears! Can God then really disappoint us?
Even the unjust judge did what the widow wanted. Can God be so hard-hearted and not hear His children? No, He loves to care about them, to give them what they need. He is really the Father who takes care about all large and small matters of His children.
Thank You, Jesus, through You I am a child of God! I now can come to You with trust and can tell you all my needs. I know: You care about me as You love me. Thank You, that You are with me and accompany through the day. You are really present in every second.