A new chance – 2020.11.12
If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!
2 Corinthians 5, 17
Sometimes I get a bit depressed, and I feel as if I haven’t changed one bit. Never ending impatience, hectic, this and that, as if Jesus’ work on me was completely in vain. And that makes me sad.
And sometimes I think about how Jesus had acquired me. How dull and dark I was before, and how happy and relaxed, free and happy I am now! And I thank Him that He has taken me to His heart; – without Him my life would be meaningless, botched up, without a goal, simply in vain.
I would rather see myself as Jesus sees me and not listen to the accuser’s talk; – the enemy is a liar and a deceiver, he enjoys making me suffer. But I don’t want that, so I cling to Jesus.
Jesus sees us differently than we see ourselves. He sees us washed clean by His blood. HE sees in us what we become with His help. HE sees us in such a way that the Holy Spirit reigns in us, that is, perfectly, without error, without sin, without failure.
Do you want a new chance for your life? Then come to Jesus’ heart. Just like the sinner who anointed Jesus’ feet with precious oil, wet them with tears and dried them with her hair. O, how Jesus loved this woman! HE did not look at her past, but at her future beauty. HE had so much love and hope for this woman that she let Him into her heart and from then on lived for Him. His acceptance of her suddenly changed her whole life.
Do you need another chance? Are you not coping with your life so well? Are you stuck in the same tracks, always the same rut, like going in circles and never reaching your destination? Are you hopeless? A hopeless case? – Then come to Jesus. HE makes everything new. HE has the power to do it. HE renews the heart so that instead of moping, it leaps for joy. Yes, HE can change the heart, only He alone can change it. Come to Him, HE is waiting!
Jesus, I decide anew to have You as my King in my heart and life. Please, come into my heart, forgive all guilt and failures and fill me with Your hope, Your joy, Your love! Lord, make me completely new!