A New Day – 2016.05.18
This is the day the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
Yes, this is a again a special day that the Lord himself has made for us. Therefore we may rejoice, be happy, cheerful, may praise, sing and dance. Our heavenly Father is there! He is our protection, comfort, and hope. He is our Lord!
We want to keep His name holy, do not want to pollute this holy name with evil and blasphemous words. He is holy, we are holy too.
His will should be done today here on earth as it is done already now in heaven. We want to pray and work so that all things are done as it pleases God here in our house, in our city, our country and in the whole world. We want to rise up against injustice!
His kingdom shall become a little bit more real today. There, where we stay, should be heaven, light, kindness and mercy, joy.
Today is a new day! The old has passed away. Our debt is wiped out. God starts with us as if nothing has happened before. And we will do the same with our neighbour. All iniquities are forgiven. We are free! Free of own debt, of our failures, of accusations, and of bitterness.
Again I will stick to Jesus today for the temptations are great. I will not give in, will keep in close contact with Jesus instead. Then the evil cannot hurt me.
Yes, God, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory for ever and ever! Therefore I can rejoice today, as this is the day the Lord has made – for me!
Thank You, my good Lord, the Master of this day. Everything is held in Your strong hand. You keep Your wing over me also today. Therefore I may be free, can rejoice, and be happy.
Bible reading today: 1 Thessalonians 3: 1-13