A new heart – 2015.10.21
But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart.Matthew 15:18
Jesus is right: Our words show our heart. When we sing everyone knows that we are happy. When we curse and scold everybody notice how dark it is in us. Our words and deeds demonstrate our thinking, our heart.
How much we need a new pure heart! Our old, human heart is full of lies and self-deception. It overvalued itself, takes itself as sooo important, is often full of self-pity. It always yearns for satisfaction through luxury articles, movies and much more. It does not separate between mine and yours. It always flirts with the sin. Sometimes it wishes the other the death. He does not respect and honour God, but rebells steadily against Him instead. No, our heart is like a den of thieves!
And when you try to really live as a decent man in own strength then the fundamental sins will be revealed: Pride, obstinacy, stubbornness, greed, envy …
Even if you do everything to overcome those by fasting, ascetic living, self-mortification, your heart will remain independent. It does not want God, is self-sufficient instead.
God knows us through and through. He has the solution: A new heart! Yes, He wants this operation, the exchange of the old and human heart against a new, spiritual one. He wants it and He can do that! He gives us His Spirit for this purpose who warns us always when we backslide. Often the tempter tries to capture us with tiny matters, for instance not to tell the full truth. It is better to listen to the small voice of the Spirit than to risk to lose the New Life with Jesus. The new heart should totally be filled with Gods Spirit. Where God
Spirit is, there is freedom, joy, there the peace of God reigns!
"But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man unclean. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultary, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what make a man unclean; but eating with unwashed hands does not make him unclean.” Matthew 15:18ff.
"I will give them a undivided heart and put a new spirit in them!" Ezekiel 11:36 + 36:26
Thank You, Jesus, for Your salvation, for the New Heart, for forgiveness and purification, for Your Presence, for new life, joy! Thank you for holding me tight as Your child to live a fruitful life.
Thank You, Jesus, for Your Spirit! Help me to listen to Him always. And thank You, that You have so much patience with me. Each morning You forgive my trespasses and my failure, purify me, fill me again with Your spirit and start with me again. Thank You!
Bible reading – Proverbs 9: 1-18