A servant – 2020.04.09
The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many.
Matthew 20, 28
Two of the disciples wanted to be special and wanted to sit in heaven on the right and left of Jesus. They wanted special honor and special power over others. But Jesus said, “In the world, the powerful rule and do well, they oppress and abuse their power. But it shall not be so with us, but he who wants to be great shall be your servant, and he who wants to be first shall be your slave. Behold, I also come to serve and not to be served.
This is Jesus: a servant for us. Although He is the Son of God, the King of Kings, the Mightiest in the universe, the Creator and Sustainer of the cosmos …. He is still our servant. Everything He does for us! HE humbled Himself, was a friend of sinners and publicans, took the lepers in His arms, treated prostitutes like human beings …. HE was love in person, without regard for the person, without consideration for himself! This is also how He is to us: loving, serving, forgiving, merciful, patient, friendly.
Who can handle it? We want to worship a super king and worship him. He shall radiate all glory, he shall be strong and beautiful. But Jesus is different. HE does not want admiration, but loving, inflamed hearts. He wants humility with us, self-forgetfulness. He wants to bring these people to honor and not the loud screamers with their pithy sayings.
HE did not come for Himself, so that we might adore Him. He came to sacrifice His life. First in the service of the sick, bound, suffering, burdened. And then on the cross, when He paid the ransom for us. We belonged to the darkness, but HE ransomed us. For us He paid a very high price, now we are His.
So let us walk in His footsteps and show Him our love, gratitude and worship.
Thank You, Jesus! You have redeemed me from sin and darkness! She may no longer rule over me and has no more power over me. You have defeated her, thank You!
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