A solid foundation – 2015.05.07
The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock.
Matthew 7 : 25
Jesus said: Whoever hears my word and acts upon it, is like a clever man who builds his house on rock.
Jesus himself if this rock, and the house is our life. He is our foundation, the storm may come and the rain may fall, the high water may crash and shake us. The foundation holds because He holds what He has promised.
Jesus said that it is not enough just to hear, but that action must follow.. It is not enough, if we have the right teaching, believe in the truth and speak it out. He has to be in our hearts and we have to live out what we believe. Then He makes His word come true and holds us tightly when it becomes precarious.
Too many Christians have the right teaching, but when it comes to money and other things, they follow other gods. They sacrifice to these other gods the truth and lie a little. Especially Christians, who carry responsibilities for others, are tempted to help God out a little and twist the truth and make false compromises about money. They do not totally trust God but try to help out. Nothing good can come of it, Jesus does not feel good in their heart and does not fill it completely any longer. Peace and heavenly joy as a sign of His presence are lost.
We must live what we believe. Then are we credible for others. No compromises that will cost us our faith!!
Some Christians, and especially leaders in positions of responsibility, have very good relationships with other Christians. And then grave faults are quickly overlooked.. They won’t harm each other. Then they sacrifice their faith for the relationships. We should be in the truth, bring light to the dark world and not be like it.
It we act like Him, then He stands by us. Problems may come, he will not desert us. We do not want to build our house in the sand as when the storms come the house is soon broken. If we are only hearers and not doers, we are one sided and tilting. In the storm we will see for ourselves onto which foundation we are built.
Thank you Jesus, that I can build my life on you. So long you held your word, I can trust you. Forgive me when I sometimes try to make compromises or try to help myself with wrong means. Strengthen my faith in you. Thank you that you have patience with me and lead me. You are a wonderful Lord and I will follow you.
Todays Bible verses : Psalm 85; 1- 14