Aggression and salvation – 2017.04.25

Aggression and salvation – 2017.04.25

From birth I was cast on you; from my mother’s womb you have been my God.
Psalm 22,10
I had a deep conversation with a friend the other day.  Even though he has been a Christian for many years and has written many articles about the love of God, he had problems with aggression.  For a long time he failed to understand why he always reacted aggressively, even though he loved Jesus and constantly prayed for deliverance from his aggression.  It took many years for God to free him from this burden.  Perhaps he would have been unable to grasp this previously?
Some time ago he experienced strange thoughts that could not have originated from him.  The thought of how easily he could stick a knife into his children, were they close by, constantly came into his head.  Once or twice, and that would be that.  Very easy.
These thoughts did not originate from him, that much was clear, because he loved his children.  So he went to the brothers, confessed everything, and they prayed with him.  In the name of Jesus these murderous spirits were expelled.  From that moment he was at peace, with no recurrence of these thoughts.  But his aggressive nature remained.
He found a small written piece about abortion and the consequences for the mother, father and the surviving children.  There he read what was to him an epiphany:  abortion often leads to aggression.  And so everything became clear:  this anger and fury came from the fact that his mother had wanted to abort him.  For some reason the abortion failed. (We know that it was God who prevented this.  HE would not allow it).  Only the relationship between mother and son was damaged:  of course she had to love him, him being her child and all;  but she was unable to, because he was living proof of her sin.  The boy always knew that his mother did not love him and suffered greatly as a result.  He could not understand this, because his mother always tried very hard.  But it was a cold, guilt ridden love.  The marriage also suffered as a result of the mother’s guilt.  And the siblings also suffered.  Since childhood the boy entertained suicidal thoughts, and murdered other people in his thoughts.  Terrible for all those involved!!!
The man had known of his mothers intention of abortion for a long time.  He had forgiven her.  Since then he has come to love her very much, because he was able to understand her situation.  But the depth of the hurt in all parties involved only became clear to him now.
Since then he is able to lay his aggression, bad mood, anger and fury at Jesus’ feet, and Jesus has taken them from him.  He is finally truly free of them.  It has taken many years, but salvation has conquered.  Jesus is the true deliverer.  He can unveil things no man can possibly know.  He is a wonderful Lord!!
Thank You Jesus, I trust You with my life, because Your intentions for me are so good!  For You there are no boundaries, Your salvation and forgiveness is all-encompassing.  It is almost too much to understand.  You are the Lord, whom I gladly follow, whom I blindly trust and who can give healing and salvation.  Thank You for forgiving every sin, no matter how big!

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