And Yet — 2015.12.04
Yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will be joyful in God my Savior.
The Sovereign Lord is my strength;
He makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
He enables me to tread on the heights.
Habakkuk 3:18-19
A dutch family hid Jews in the second world war. They were send to a concentration camp after the Nazis caught them. Many members of the family died, but Corrie ten boom survived. She witnessed many of Gods miracles and his special presence during the time in the camp. After the war she traveled the world to preach the gospel. And she wrote a book called "A Prisoner and Yet!”
It’s a defiant and yet. Even when everything around her was influenced by evil she was sheltered by the love of God. When her two sisters died in the camp, God took them home, out of the mid of all that evil into his glory. They died in peace, with assurance and comfort.
All the experiences with God were stronger than those with the evil. And because of this she wrote that book: Yet!
The prophet Habakkuk experiences horrible times as well. It was wartime and the land was ravaged. And he says: yet!
Maybe today it’s the same in east Ukraine, Syria, or Iraq: everywhere is destruction and death. And still we say: yet!
Maybe it’s the same in our life. Everything destroyed. All hope gone. There is no future anymore. And at this moment the faith, which comes from God, comes into the picture: yet!
Yes! I want to remain with my God. In good and in bad times. He knows much more than I do. He is almighty and He can save me anytime. He fills me with His joyous presence. He sends His spirit of joy and peace to me. I can say: yet! He saves! He is friendly, full of mercy, and hope. He is my present and my future. I take the hand of God and I never let go again.
Thank You Jesus, for the hope that You give to me! With You there is comfort, shelter and hope, and with You there is a future. Even if today everything is destroyed, You are my strength. Yes, I trust You! Give me more of Your spirit, that gives me faith, joy, and peace!
Bible reading today: Romans 7:7-25