Be brave and strong! – 2021.04.28
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1, 9
Joshua had a difficult task before him: He was to conquer Jericho. The city had high, thick walls and was heavily armed and fortified. How could nomadic people do that? He went into the silence, went round the city and met a man, the leader of the LORD’s armies. He gave him a good strategy. God said: “Circle the city once on 6 days, and 7 times on the 7th day, and then the war cries out! – So the people went every day around this strong city. And on the 7th day even 7 times.
What may have been going on in the people, how did they feel, were they brave or afraid? I know my behaviour with bigger problems: If possible away, if possible don’t think about it, if possible put it on the long bank, maybe the problem will solve itself…. The more I circle the problem and look at it, the greater my inability seems to me and the greater the problem. – God wanted to do a miracle, a huge miracle, that’s why He made the problem so clear to the Israelites: Again and again they should circle around the city and see their own weakness.
But when the order came: Roar! Battle cries! Storm forward! – Then they trusted in the LORD and not in their feeling: they stormed the city.
This is exactly how we should deal with our problems: They circle around and solve it with God’s help. The verse above should be our attitude in prayer and action.
We don’t want to leave anything to others, we don’t want to put anything on the back burner. We want to thank the Lord in advance that He will create a solution for us. We want to be courageous and strong with Him. Even if we don’t know exactly how it will end, we want to trust Him and not fearfully retreat. He is the Lord who deserves our trust.
Thank You, Jesus, You are my intercessor! With You I solve the problems I am afraid of. I want to go forward courageously and strongly, and not remain discontentedly seated. I cling to You and to Your promises, for You are faithful and stand by me. Thank You, dear Lord!