Because of God’s mercy – 2015.10.02
Lord, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy;
in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief.
Do not bring your servant into judgment,
for no one living is righteous before you.
Psalm 143:1-2
King David had a lot of problems and enemies. He searched God and lived his life together with him. He did not put forward his won righteousness but instead he pointed out the faithfulness and mercy of God. He knew very well: nobody under the sun is without sin. God will help, not because my greatness or righteousness but because of His mercy, grace and faithfulness. What do I have to show for? A hard pilgrimage? Lent? Long prayers? That all means nothing in front of our God.
He helps us only because of His mercy. And He does not want to be told how he has to help. He does not have to ask about our opinion but the other way round: We should trust in Him and wait for his solution. That called humility before God:" Please, you decide! I put my trust in You whatever happens. I am in Your hand."
God is faithful. He sees if our heart is set on Him. He does not abandon His children who cling to Him. He is that father who takes care of all the small and large details for His children. Sometimes He lets us suffering because he thinks we are capable to cope. But He is with us faithfully all the time. Even at the time of our departure he is with us and carries us to the other side. In the presence of the Lord death has lost its terror. He illuminates my path brightly like fresh morning light: a new day will break in company with Him in eternity. Where, O death, is your victory? – Jesus took the victory.
Thank You Father, for I can completely confide in you! Even if the enemy is loud and raging, You put him into place. In all matters You have the final word. You are the Lord that loves me and carries me. I cling to You and You will not abandon me.
Bible reading today: Psalm 143 1-12