Beneath the cross – 2019.05.28

Beneath the cross – 2019.05.28

But they stood at the cross of Jesus …..
John 19, 25

On Sunday in the service I saw something figurative in front of me: Jesus was hanging on the cross and some people were sitting beneath it. Blood, sweat and water from the wound dripped down on these people and they were healed. Many stood further away, these drops of healing did not touch them.
It touched me very much how through the suffering and death of Jesus so much healing is ready for us, how intimate the love between Jesus and these people is, and how many stand far away and talk about it, never experiencing healing. How deep are our wounds, how strong is our sin that Jesus had to die for it! Our redemption cost Him His life.
In the old prophet Isaiah, who lived 600 years before Jesus, we read about it:
Surely He took up our pain
and bore our suffering,
yet we considered Him punished by God,
stricken by Him
and afflicted.
But He was pierced for our transgressions,
He was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace
was on Him,
and by His wounds we are healed. (Isaiah 53:4f.)
Let us not talk about Jesus, but TO Him. Let us not talk shop about what happened with the crucifixion or the prophecies or how to understand all this. Let us rather go to the cross, look at Jesus, worship Him, our Redeemer and Saviour, and give ourselves to Him. Let our hearts be filled with adoration, praise and thanksgiving until we find no more words.
Jesus wants to liberate and heal today just as He did then. He still forgives all sin and guilt. He still cleanses from all filth. He still heals sickness, defeats death and the powers of darkness. He is still the Lord to whom our worship belongs. Then streams of life and healing flow into us and through us.

Thank You my beloved Jesus! You are so wonderful, so unique, so great, so lovable, so kind and patient! Thank You, You still heal, liberate, purify and deliver me from guilt, sin and death. You are my Saviour! I belong to You, together with all that belongs to me! You are worth worshipping!

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