Bless the enemy! – 2020.09.07
After Job had prayed for his friends,
the Lord restored his fortunes.
Job 42:10
You all know how sad it was with Job. Only the bare life remained for him. He lost all his possessions, his health, seemed to be near to death all the time. There was no answer to the question: why ? But finally God showed up in all His glory and Job could not do anything but confess: “My ears had heard of You but now my eyes have seen You!” (Hiob 42 :5). He did not want to complain anymore about his misery, wanted to trust Him instead who is in control of everything.
Yes, Lord, You know all, there is a purpose and a reason for everything. You know more than I can understand.
So Job finally humbled himself before God with whom he had so much quarrelled. In Gods presence his anger was quenched.
s wrath was kindled over the 3 friends for not having spoken the truth to him. He told them to go to Job so that he could intercede for them. It may have not been easy for Job to forgive, to forget his bitterness and anger at his friends. But he did it with all his heart and God blessed him very much. He restored his fortunes.
However, God
It is the same with us when we forgive our enemies and even intercede for them which is purely the work of the Holy Spirit. Bitterness, vengeance, darkness, anger will pass and room is given for the peace of God. Blessed is he who forgives and blesses the enemy!
Lord, You make great promises for forgiveness. With Your help I will forgive what is not always easy for me. With Your eyes I will look at the malefactor, will love and bless him, as You did it. Thank You that You released me from bitterness and self-pity.