By grace alone – 2017.03.24
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, …
Ephesians 2,8
…, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.
You have been saved … present tense, not past! It does not say: you were saved, but rather you have been saved!
That is a state, a constant repetition of salvation.
It would not be good if Jesus forgave my sins only once, and expected me to live a perfect life from there;- I could never manage. So I am grateful for this permanent state of salvation. He is continuously saving me.
The salvation talked about in this case concerns the saving from sin. He forgives our sins. Full stop. End of discussion. Sin can only be forgiven so that it is eradicated – it is seldom possible to make good on sin. When we decide for Jesus and He cleanses our lives, He forgives all sin. But if we make the decision to live as Christians, we realise quite quickly that we have an unbelieving heart. It is constantly relapsing. It is not possible for us to live a true godly life. We are constantly battling bad thoughts, angry words or sinful deeds. I am in constant need of forgiveness! Just as well that Jesus knows me and knows: this man is constantly needing forgiveness. He means well, but he is constantly relapsing. And so many worldly thoughts have gained a foothold in his way of thinking … yes, he has already learned some and is much better than what he was, but he is still lacking greatly. He needs forgiveness, constantly and always!
That is how Jesus thinks about me. And slowly I have come to realise it also: through my own deeds I will not be saved; no matter how hard I try, it is not possible. By grace alone I have been saved, because He so loved me! Yes, I realise that. By grace alone … Dear Jesus, how wonderful to be loved by You and given this way out!!! It is possible for me to do so well only because He forgives every big or little sin instantly.
But after some time I become impatient with myself and start reproaching myself. And then I condemn myself and assume God does the same, for I am no longer aware of His presence!
But then I read: through faith … yes, where is my faith? Am I no longer believing in His grace? And I know what I need to do:
Lord, forgive me my lack of faith! And grant me Your Holy Spirit, to help me believe! Yes Lord, I want to believe in Your love and grace!