Children of God – 2021.04.22
„See what kind of love the Father has given to us,
that we should be called children of God;
and so we are.“
1.John 3,1
It’s that simple: We’re called that and we are! God’s children! He is our Father, and we are His children. Point. Basta. That’s enough.
But how do you become a child of God? In the Gospel of John chapter 3 Jesus described it: One must be born again. Yes, can one then return to the womb of the mother? – asks Nicodemus. No, not necessary. The Spirit of God brings us into the world anew, as a child of God. As soon as we give Jesus our heart so that He may reign, as soon as we take His sacrifice for our sins personally, then we are immediately born anew of the Spirit. Immediately the spiritual life begins, this life with God that was dead before. Immediately God makes us His children, without trial time and without hesitation.
He knows what He chooses for His children. And He wants us nevertheless; – because His love is so strong.
He knows all our faults and weak points. HE already knows where we fall and become unfaithful. And yet: HE says yes to us. The love of God is amazing and incomprehensible. HE is a true father, just as a father should be.
When we are born again, He gives us His Spirit. There are no “spiritless” children of God! The Holy Spirit introduces us to the following of Jesus, He changes us to God’s image and brings us to perfection. Whether the gifts are there or not depends more on the teaching we hear and on our will – but basically the Holy Spirit is in us. Otherwise we would never have heard and obeyed God’s call.
The enemy makes life difficult for us. He wants to persuade us that we are not really God’s children because we are still so bad. But that is why Jesus died on the cross: For our sin of yesterday, today and also for those of tomorrow. We are justified by Jesus before God! We are pure and sanctified through Jesus, not through our good life. Do not let the devil lie to you! He has bought you free! You are God’s child!
Thank You Jesus, I belong to You! You have redeemed me from the influence of evil. You have made me a child of God. Forgive that sometimes I believe the enemy more than You. I don’t want that anymore. You are my LORD! Thank You! I am and remain a child of God because of You!