Chosen​ – 2019.06.25​

Chosen​ – 2019.06.25​

But when God, who set me apart from my mother’s womb and called me by His grace, was pleased to reveal His Son in me, …..
Galatians 1:15

This is from the apostle Paul. But it really applies to all of us: God already knows us from the womb, and already from this time HE wants to call us and reveal Jesus to us. The biblical Revelation has a completely different point of view than our “abortion industry”. For God a person exists from conception, He knows him since the beginning of time and wants to reveal His grace in this child.
We can take this very, very personally: God has already chosen me in the womb! He said yes to me! From the very beginning of time, HE knew about me and was looking forward to me. He always had the plan to reveal Jesus to me! He is gracious and full of kindness to me like a real, loving father!
Try repeating it, so personally to yourself: God has already chosen me in the womb! He said yes to me! For ages HE has known about me and looked forward to me! He wanted to reveal Jesus to me! He is gracious and full of kindness to me, a true Father! – Can you accept this for yourself? Or does unbelief and doubt stir? Then read it again and again, begin to thank God for it and make up your mind: I ​ ​W I L L​  believe it! It is the truth, because God Himself says it in the Bible! – It will take some time until it is really firmly anchored in your heart, but God will accomplish it. He really loves you.

Thank You, Jesus! You are the one who has accomplished reconciliation with the Father. You are my mediator, my intercessor, my redeemer, my hero! Please help me to believe that God made me personally and loved me very, very much! Forgive me, I find it hard to believe – help me!

One thought on “Chosen​ – 2019.06.25​

  1. Frank, This is a great post. Surely God wants to reveal Jesus to us and the value we have to Him. More than that, He wants to reveal Jesus in us. That is even harder to walk out in our faith!

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