Christ is the same forever! – 2019.12.15
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Hebrews 13:8
When we want to know who God is, we must look at His Son Jesus Christ. His life totally reflects God`s character. He is utterly generous and friendly which attracts all people. His mercy on all sinners is unlimited. He was God made in human likeness.
What did He daily? At first He was looking for a quiet place to talk with His Father. Then He went to the sick and healed them all. He even freed the demonically possessed. He healed all kind of deseases. Wandering from place to place He preached the gospel, especially on the mountain of beatitude and in Jerusalem.
But obviously He spent most of His time to heal the sick and the demonically possessed. As stated at the end of the gospel of Marc and in the beginning of Act 1 He asked His disciples to do the same.
Supernatural healings were normal in the early churches. Only around 300 AD when Christian belief became the state religion this healing power has gone lost just as the true power of the gospel in total.The priests in charge at that time, some of them came from other religions, no longer had the authority to heal the sick in the name of Jesus. However, there were always until today true Christians, often pursued by the official church, who prayed for the sick and demonically possessed and brought about healing in silence without much fuss.
Also today God is reviving this healing service in many places around the world. Christians begin again to pray for the sick. And God hears their prayers and many are healed. The Lord has not forgotten us! There is hope for the sufferers and bound. We may rejoice!
When doctors reach their limits to heal, people in need often turn to miracle healers and fortune tellers. No, Jesus is waiting for them! How soothing and comforting that He is the same yesterday and today and forever! He is our almighty Lord having mercy on us!
Thank You, Jesus, You are a merciful God! I will follow You and always seek my help from You. You love me, Amen!