Come to Jesus – 2019.12.22
… and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.
John 6, 37
Jesus knows us. He knows everything about us, that is why He can help us so well. Better than any depth psychologist, doctor, pastor or other good expert. HE knows all the hidden connections in me, which I do not even suspect myself. HE also knows everything that I have forgotten because I was too young or something else. HE is the one who has the absolute overview.
And one more thing: My path of life sometimes seems to me like an embroidery from the back. All the strings run confused, there is no pattern or picture to be seen. But He knows the other side, a masterpiece of stitchery, beautifully and clearly all strings run together and show a fine picture. Therefore it is good that He is my LORD who rules my life. One day He will show me the picture, when all I see now are wild strings.
HE is interested in us, therefore He knows everything. Every little thing has great importance for Him. Although He has known everything for thousands of years, He acts as if everything is new to Him. HE is really wonderful!
If you are discouraged about your life, come to Jesus. He will not reject you, but will be happy that you are finally here. He has been waiting for you for a long time. He wants to take this stitch-work, your path in life, and pull out the wild strings of sin until a beautiful picture remains. You do not believe that? You, He has already saved other people, much worse people, and made them completely new. Try it! You will not be disappointed.
There are really people who think they’re too bad for Jesus. And they’re right. But Jesus wants them, because no one would actually go to heaven because of their badness. But Jesus clears the way. Come to Him, He awaits you and does not push anyone out again! Come as you are and pour out your heart to Him; – He will understand everything, even every tear. And then He will come and be King in your heart. How good it will be!!!
Yes Jesus, I am coming to You, for You are the friend of sinners! You know my burdens, please take them from me and set me free! Heal my heart! I need Your heavenly peace. Oh Jesus, come and be my king! I entrust myself to Thee, my Lord and Master.