Community – 2020.04.02
Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20
This virus hinders us Christians from our foundation of faith: fellowship with one another.
For us it is vital to have fellowship with other brothers and sisters and to strengthen each other in faith. Now we are supposed to keep contact barriers and no longer be able to hold church services, house groups and prayer circles together. We should do everything alone. Well, we can encourage each other on the Internet, but fellowship is more intense and goes much deeper. Internet is no substitute. We feel alone and we are not doing so well without our brothers and sisters.
That is why we want to meet and talk in twos or threes, have fellowship and pray for our needs and for the world.
Jesus attaches great importance to this. And I think it is feasible. We can meet in twos or threes for walks or in shopping malls or apartments and have fellowship. It would be nice if intensive relationships grow out of it, which will last later. If we learn to trust each other and appreciate trust, then we can pour out our hearts to each other and deep friendships can develop. These dualities are like strong ropes that survive even difficult times and carry us through and the best thing: Jesus is always in our midst. He takes part in everything we talk about and everything that moves us. That’s how small prayer groups achieve great things.
There is always room for a third person. You can take good care of people in need and include them in this two-way relationship and cultivate friendship with them so that they open themselves to Jesus and become Christians. Without community we will not remain Christians for long – just as a coal cannot burn alone. This is why Christians have always sought fellowship, even when they risked their lives for it. At least that is what the LORD wants: stand together and pray for each other.
Thank You Jesus, for the brothers and sisters. They are my brothers and sisters. Thank You, together we can pour out our need in prayer and pray together for others. Thank You, you are then noticeably with us and pour out Your blessing. You are wonderful and it is wonderful to be near You.