Continuous Prayer – 2017.03.16

Continuous Prayer – 2017.03.16

Pray without ceasing!
1 Thessalonians 5, 17
Why God “commands” such a thing? Pray without ceasing … how can you, if you have to work or have children?
At a boys’ night the conversation turned to prayer. One after another told his experience. That came out of it:
1. If you have a morning without a prayer time alone with the Lord, then the day is usually stressful. And later in the day usually nobody takes more time and quiteness for a silent prayer meeting with the Lord; – There is just too much work. Perhaps you get up a half hour earlier, but this time with the Lord no one wants to willingly forego.
2. Employed by day we are in connection with the Lord. Everything we tell Him, anything we ask Him, thanking Him constantly for every small and big thing, and hearing what he has to say. Sometimes we get crucial evidence from Him, before a disaster happens.
3. Prayer is a matter of trust. The fight with God for Him to hear our requests and slowly a prayer of trust grows. We do not need to persuade Him to get this and that in motion. We can trust Him that He does the right thing. This brings great peace in our prayer lives and in our hearts.
Whenever the conversation thread breaks away with God, then His heavenly peace and discontent spreads. Instead of joy comes combatitive mood, rather than trust in God unrest, doubt in oneself  and resignation. Just as a flower on the windowsill that gets no water, letting the leaves hang, dry up and look bad.
God does not need our prayers. But we need it !! is why God “commands” the constant prayer and deep prayer times. Continue in prayer, pray without ceasing, and be always grateful for everything!
Thank you, Jesus, you mean well with me. Why you want to talk the whole day with me. How good that you are there, Jesus! Where would I be without you???

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