Darkness – 2015.08.13
I would say, "Let only darkness cover me,
instead of light to night around me, "
even the darkness is not dark for you,
the night shines as the day;
the darkness is as light.
Psalm 139, 11f
Sometimes there are times when we despair. It’s like thick darkness envelops us, no light, no hope, no end in sight. God is far away, we do not notice anything of Him. He is not close, he does not comfort us, does not hear us. Those times are terrible!
We don’t persevere, we flee into antidepressants, alcohol, or other vices. God sees very well, even in darkness. Nothing is hidden from him. He is there, even if we do not see Him. He holds us, even if we do not notice it. He goes with us, even if it is into the deepest depths. At the end we will see it for ourselves, but when everything is dark, we see nothing of him. He never leaves his beloved sheep alone; and if it runs away from him and is lost, he looks until he finds it. Then he takes it in his arms, comforts it, binds its wounds and carries it home.
He wants it, that we cling to Him when darkness reigns. He says, "Because he is dependent on me, I will rescue him; I will protect him because he knows my name." (Ps. 91, 14)
God made heaven and earth in the beginning, but it was without form, and darkness was on the earth. And he said: Let there be light! – And then it was bright. He will soon turn the light on for us and there will be bright again. He who says, "I am the light of the world" – will not hide forever. He is there to save you.
Thank you, Jesus, you will not leave me alone in the great darkness. In your hands I am safe and secure. And when I feel nothing at all, I know that you are there and you hold me. You are my God, whom I love.
Bible Reading Today: Psalm 107: 1 – 22