Devotion – April, 19.

Devotion – April, 19.

Good morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The righteous have many problems,
but the Lord delivers them from every one.
He protects all their bones;
not even one will be broken.
Psalms 34, 19f
Today is Good Friday, the day on which Jesus died. But God’s commitment applied to Him: The Lord delivers you from every one! Nearly 1000 years earlier God had promised these words by King David and God kept his word! Jesus died, but not one of His limbs got broken, and death did not had the final say, but the resurrection and the life! Jesus trusted God completely. And so He could get captured, tortured and nailed to the cross voluntarily. At any time, He could have called legions of angels to help. But He wanted to go this way to end: the way to salvation of His people. God burdened Him with all the fault of mankind and punished Him, the only righteous man, for our sins. That is why Jesus died. But God had given His word: I never leave you! I will deliver You from every one! – And Jesus came back to life, the death did not win. Now there is a way out of sin and guilt, and there is a way through death to life: Jesus is the way for us.
Jesus, the righteous had to suffer a lot. But the Lord delivered Him from every one. He protected all His bones, not a single one was broken. So the Lord will make His promise true to us, if we hold to Jesus: He delivers us from every one! Sure, we will suffer a lot. But the Almighty God is there and never forgets us. He is with us and will help us. Yes, He will deliver us from everything, absolutely everything!!

Thank you, Jesus, You have paved the way to God for me! Now I can come before God free and without guilt. You have opened the way of life for me: Now I don’t need to have fear anymore, not even death can harm me now. Yes, I abide in You, my Lord, Savior and Redeemer!

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