Devotion – April, 7.
Good morning!!
Instead of eating solid food, you still have to drink milk. Anyone who has to drink milk is still a child, without any experience in the matter of right and wrong. Solid food, on the other hand, is for adults, who through practice are able to distinguish between good and evil.
Hebrews 5, 12ff
At the beginning of Christian life God overwhelms His new children with His love and gifts. He supplies them and covers them with grace, mercy and real fatherly love. And they feel completely at ease; there are almost no problems. But after one, two, three years God thinks: Now they are already grown a bit and have become strong. They could gradually tolerate solid food instead of always drinking only milk. And so He slowly takes away His graces and observes, how they evolve. Of course, the first shock is big, but slowly they get used to solid food: God’s training has begun! He slowly corrects His children. Some loved their soother or cuddly blanket. Some still needed diapers. Some children of God have become very accustomed to taking and have forgotten how to give. Some have trusted to much in themselves instead of believing in Jesus. For quite a few, answers to prayer have become so normally that they could not understand that others miss that.
Just as we slowly give our children more freedom and learn to carry responsibility, God educates us; – And this learning process never comes to an end. He trains us to distinguish between good and evil. He teaches us to assume responsibility for others. He makes us happy givers who live from trust in God’s care. He makes us peacemakers who have learned to forgive. He makes us strong, firm personalities who can not be shaken by a storm. The school of God is not always easy. Some turn their backs to faith and others simply stop and refuse daring new steps. But the goal is worth it! Closely connected to Jesus in faith, close to the heart of our Heavenly Father – His love, joy and peace surround us.
Father, thank You for your training! It wasn’t always easy; sometimes I thought I would lose my footing. But You yourself have always caught me. You were always there when I needed you! Thank you, I can believe You that the goal and the intentions You have for me are good. Yes Father, I will spend my life with You!