Devotions – 2015.02.16

Devotions – 2015.02.16

Listen! I stand at the door and knock; if any hear my voice and open the door, I will come into their house and eat with them, and they will eat with me.
Revelation 3, 20
Jesus would like to have fellowship with us, intimate communion like eating together. But our heart’s door has only one door handle, and that is inside. Jesus can not just open the door, and He does not want it at all, but He waits until we invite Him. Who hears His voice and would like to let Him be king in his heart, can invite Him. Then He comes with His beauty and power, and will live in your heart . Nothing stays as it was. Everything is illuminated by His light and His warmth, His peace, His joy and love will fill your heart. Every morning again we want to invite Him, the King of Peace, into our hearts and will not lock it. Too fast other things take up space in our hearts and His peace passes away. He should be our Lord and King!

Jesus, I want You in my heart. Thou shall reign there. Please, remove all worthless stuff from my heart and my life. I just want to be Yours, because You really love me.

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