Devotions – 2015.05.11
Now that we have been put right with God through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 5, 1
When Jesus stood in the dock, which should condemn Him to death, they found nothing, not the slightest thing. No one could accuse him of sin, even though they hired false witnesses. He really had not committed the slightest sin in His life on earth. Therefore, He is the righteous.
I would also love to be such a righteous! But I have committed sins and do not live fault-free. Sometimes I am ashamed of myself. And sometimes others see my mistakes and accuse me.
But then I remember the verse above: We have been put right with God through faith! And I cast my failures, my sin and guilt on Jesus. He takes everything and carries it to the cross. There He suffered the punishment for everything. If somebody wants to accuse me, He says: It’s atoned, your debt is paid. When I once come before God’s judgment seat, the prosecutor will say: "On Tueaday he has made this sin!" And Jesus will step forward and say: It’s atoned. And the Prosecutor will continue: "And on Wednesday and Thursday he has also made it!" But Jesus does not give up; He defends me tirelessly: Everything is already atoned and paid for; – "He is free; I’ve made him righteous!"
Yes, this is how I become a righteous man! So I get peace with God! I just need to believe it and hold on to it: My debt is paid, Jesus took everything on himself! Through His blood I am cleaned.
Thank you, Jesus, You have made me righteous. And in Your righteousness I want to stay! You know, I make mistakes again and again. But You forgive and forgive and forgive. Jesus, sometimes I find it hard to believe that. But even here You want to help me. I want to hold on to You, because You keep hold of me!
Bible reading today: Psalm 89, 1 – 27