Devotions – 2015.05.26
She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his message.
Luke 10, 39
I enjoy the quiet hours early in the morning. Then I am alone with my Lord and we can talk or can be silent, or can just be together. It ‘s nice when the Lord takes my worries, gives me courage or just says: I love you. It’s nice to think about His words and to make use of them today. His calm then overcomes my restlessness.
There is a time for silence and there is a time of work. There is a time of silence and a time of fellowship with others. Everything has its time.
But without silent times we only experience " noisy times" and a lot of stress; – We live by ourself and for our own goals. Martha, the sister of Mary, had good in mind and wanted to provide for Jesus and His twelve disciples. But obviously she got above herself. She wanted to care for Jesus, but Jesus wanted to care for her; – And this she had almost missed.
Today we want to let Jesus be Lord. Let us seek a quiet place and take us a little time for Him without our smartphone, dog, kids and TV. We want to make this a habit. It is enough if we say to Him: Jesus, here I am! – And then we want to let Him talk. He will take our concerns and needs. He will comfort and straighten us. Again and again He will assure how much He is concerned about us and that He forgives all our guilt and failure. He believes in us!
Jesus, thank You for being there! Thank You that I don’t have to cope with life alone, but You are helping me. Thank You for the silent hours in which I can feel Your presence and notice Your thoughts. Thank You for putting Your hand on me!
Bible reading today: Lukas 1, 57 – 80