Do not fear! – 2017.02.15

Do not fear! – 2017.02.15

This is what the Lord says: Do not fear!!!
Isaiah 43:1
Apparently 365 times it is mentioned in the Bible: Do not fear! And I truly believe it! We need this “do not fear” every day. There are so many things  which want to make us fear. But God does not want that. Therefore the resolute “do not fear!” He knows us well and is concerned about us. How we people could live relaxed and be happy if always these sorrowful thoughts are coming up? Did I switch off the light? Did I close the fridge? Did I lock the car? The children are they alright?… OoH, just an ambulance car passed by with blue light… always these fears! How one can get rid of those?
There are so many groundless worries. Almost always we realize later that our fear was in vain and everything was ok. These constant concerns had cheated us.
But there are also worries which are justified: I feel miserable but the doctor finds nothing. Our company is financially in a dangerous situation and is getting no credit anymore. The pension is reduced. The children are seriously ill. The birth of a child threatens to become difficult. There is an incurable desease and the dying is near. Or you are waiting for the wife/husband who is not coming home late night.
There are so many situations about which you really may be concerned. But always above statement applies: Do not fear! Sometimes I am inclined to think whether God is not aware of some of my bad situations. It is really easy to say “do not fear” . It is however very difficult to obey and trust Him.
God knows our weaknesses. He Himselves had lived on earth as a human being not purely as God who stands above all things. He knows all our situations very well. He bore the same sufferings inclusive the worst of all. Therefore He can suffer with us and comfort us.
When Jesus slept in the boat whilst His deciples fought for their lives inmidst of a heavy storm, He demonstrated the power of the words “do not fear!”. He could sleep deeply without sorrows as God has told Him to cross the sea. He trusted Him and put everything in His Fathers hands. He slept as a child safe and secure as in Abraham s lap. Why fear? God was present even if the hell was raging.
Jesus did not know in the morning on His hikes where to sleep at night. But His Father knew that and Jesus trusted.
Therefore I will put all my matters in God`s hands as He promised to care for me. That does not mean that I get lazy and do nothing. No, I will work relaxed and with joy! God is there who cares for me! My life should be filled with the powerful Spirit: Do not fear. There is no space for the spirit of worries. And even in the last hour on the deathbed – there is nothing worse- I will entrust myself entirely to the hands of Jesus. Also in these last moments He will be there!
Thank You, Father in Heaven, You are really a good loving, caring Father, so patient, gently and meekly, and so powerful towards the enemy! Yes, I really may live relaxed and peacefully in the shadow of Your wings. I enjoy it when You remind me each day: Do not fear!
Bible reading today – Genesis 23

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