Doubt – 2020.04.25
„The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.”
Romans 8, 16
Some Christians are struggling with doubts. They simply do not know for sure whether they are really a child of God or not. They think that somehow they are not right because this certainty is missing. Are their sins really forgiven? Does God really say yes to them? What more do they need to do to get certainty?
They try hard to live a Christian life, never cheat anyone, go to church often, pray, read the Bible …. What is still missing?
This state unfortunately often ends in depression or confusion, inner chaos, hopelessness, feelings of loss. It is really bad.
And there are the sermons that say it’s all very simple: you only need to believe and everything is clear.
And they try harder and harder, and nothing becomes clearer … A bleak state.
Unfortunately there is no general, simple answer to this widespread problem. But we will try to show possible solutions.
It is a small consolation that so many people feel this way, you are no longer alone.
It is a great consolation that God creates solutions to this problem. Others have found a way out, and so will you.
Our verse says: God’s Holy Spirit tells our spirit that we are God’s children. – HE creates the certainty in us, which we cannot produce humanly, no matter how hard we try; – it is not possible. So we will invite the Holy Spirit into our heart, so that He can give us this certainty. It is a matter of the heart for Him to win people for Jesus, that is why He will follow this invitation. Are you ready?
Dear Holy Spirit, come and dwell in my heart! I invite You with all my heart to dwell and reign in my heart. Please, give me the certainty that God loves me and that I am a child of God! Help me to believe that my sins are forgiven! I need You, I can’t cope with my life anymore. THANK YOU!!!
(PS: There is another cause of uncertainty. We’ll write about it tomorrow.)