Enough!! – 2015.11.19
Enough! Speak to Me no more of this matter!
Deuteronomy 3, 26
Hey, that’s no promise! However it is, because this verse says two things: The Lord hears every prayer; – And that he will take every prayer seriously.
Moses had a very close, intimate relationship with God. He could ask for what he wanted, God granted every request of his faithful servant. But one request the LORD did not grant. Three times Moses prayed for this very personal desire and the third time he experienced a harsh rebuff of God. Enough!
Yes, God had correctly understood and weighed it the first time he heard it. And he decided, not to grant the request. Moses behaved like a little child who wants to get it’s way by constant begging. But God has stronger nerves than most parents and is stricter than them. His No is a No, and Yes is an eternal Yes. Therefore He spoke so hard to Moses.
We must also know: God knows all my affairs. He hears every one of my prayers. He normally takes good care of me, just sometimes he won’t grant my wishes.
Once I got the flu. I stood before the mirror and ordered the flu in the name of Jesus to disappear. And indeed, I was healed. Well I thought, flu, that’s ridiculous! Since you only need the name of Jesus and away it is! I immediately taught my christian brothers and sisters about that and criticized their lack of faith. But the Lord had pity on my brothers and sisters suffering, and he sent me a new flu. And I stood all day in front of the mirror and ordered the flu to disappear. But it did not listen to me. I tried so hard, prayed all the prayers that I knew, but nothing happened. Finally I gave in meekly, went to bed and leaned onto the Lord: Lord, forgive my arrogance! Forgive that I made my brothers life so hard! – And he had compassion on me. The flu did not disappear, but His peace went back through me, and we had a few good days of rest, fellowship and joy, despite flu (or because of the flu?).
I’ll tell you this, so that we get more courage to pray. Because he really hears every prayer. How much blessing is lost because we do not pray! How much can a little prayer, spoken in confidence, change every situation! Please, let us expect more, pray more, bless more!!
Thank you, Jesus, you take my prayers very seriously! I can come with all personal situations to you. You knew my path. And I can be full of faith for other people and bless them and pray for them. You will bless them and do good to them. Lord, I want to be a blessing, help me to expect more of you to pray more, to trust each other more!
Bible Reading Today: Proverbs 31; 1 – 31