Examine me, Lord! – 2015.07.12
Test me, Lord, and try me,
examine my heart and my mind!
Psalm 26:2
King David likes to please His Lord. He does not want to walk with the wicket and sinners. He only wants to serve his Lord.
It is a blessing when from earliest childhood a man is learning to differentiate what is right in the eyes of God and what is wrong: when he stands firm, does not lie, does not twist the truth, gives back what is not belonging to him, does not see ugly films and pictures, hates corruption, seeks first the love and help of the Lord and not of man, does not talk and flatter what other people want to hear. Yes, when children grow up in this way they become stable adults. If, however, they have been brought up without knowing God it will be difficult for them to go the right way. They will live in compromises which weaken the faith.
It is recommendable to ask the Lord again and again to examine the heart: undergo a check of our Lord again and again: Am I still on the way of the righteous, or did I get used to the sin? Test me, Lord! I want to go my way with You! Sin enters in one`s life barely noticeable in the beginning. After some time it became a fixed habit. You start to find excuses and talk everything nice. The living faith suffers, the Christian loses the relationship, the communion with God – you are then an easy victim of the enemy.
Dear Lord, please test me again whether my heart belongs to You or whether I compromise and serve the sin. You know, I want to follow You, want to go Your way. Give me a firm heart, which only trust You!
Bible reading today – Luke 18: 1-17