Eyes on the cross – 2020.04.07
Then when anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake, they lived.
Numbers 21:9
When the people of Israel went through the desert, many of them were bad tempered. They were always grumbling. The food was miserable. They’d prefer to go back to Egypt to live a life of slavery. There they had fine, thin soup! God took these grumblings very seriously because all of the people were discouraged. HE sent poisonous snakes into the camp, which bit many people, so that they died. The elders came to Moses and confessed their sins: “We have sinned, for we have rebelled against the LORD. Pray for us that we may be saved from the serpents! Moses went to the LORD, and the LORD said to him, “Make a serpent of bronze and hang it on a flagpole. Anyone who is bitten and looks up to it will be saved.” – And so it happened.
And so it happens to this day: Everyone who looks up to the cross will live. To look up, that means to look away from the dirt on the ground, to look away from the sorrows and diseases, sufferings and problems, to look towards Jesus, the Saviour and Redeemer. This requires faith and trust. When we look at Him, the tired heart finds renewed courage. Then the thanks come up in our hearts. Then we see new light in the darkness. Then we remember: God loves us, forgives sin and failure and takes care of us. Then God can intervene and save us.
I think the same goes for our virus: Maybe we get bitten by this poisonous snake, maybe because we’re grumpy or whatever. But as soon as we turn our eyes to the cross of Jesus and lift our gaze to Him, we are saved and we stay alive. Jesus does not say that we Christians are immune to all viruses and diseases, but He promises that He will save us as soon as we turn to Him. HE is a wonderful Lord.
Jesus forgive my grumpiness! I am in actual fact grumbling about your guidance and care, and I am not allowed to do that. For You have always taken good care of me. Thank You for saving me as soon as I lift up my eyes to You. Thank You for the faith, for the courage, for Your good word, for forgiveness and new beginnings and for every good day with You!