Finally declared righteous! – 2020.03.18
For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses
that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law,
you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 5:20
Wow, the righteousness of scribes, theologians, Pharisees and all the super pious should not be enough? It has to be much bigger?
I know many who are very pious, live very holy, and apparently do not do anything bad. And yet, their righteousness seems to be not enough before God. What about me, then? I am not particularly holy or pious. When I really check my thoughts and wishes excactly, look at myself in the mirrow, then there is not much heaven, not much hope! Should I be better than all these religious profis?
How can I get to heaven when all these pious fail to do so? God saw that impossibility and sent His Son Jesus to us. He left behind all His divinity, heavenly power, became man like you and me. But He never sinned, lived in total unity with His Father in praise and thanks. He went to Jerusalem to die, to fulfill His task as a sacrifical lamb that reconciled the whole world with God. He took all the sins, all the filth of this world, suffered terrible agony on the cross, suffered our separation from God, paid the price for it so that we can live freely. He could have got off the cross at any time but stayed there to save us. But now the debt is paid and wiped out for those who love Jesus. Having accepted His forgiveness we are now holy, pure, and righteous before Gods eyes. This graceful rightenousness in me is much greater than the self-rightenousness of the Pharisees, theologians, scribes and the so-called saints. Halleluja, in His name I am free, saved, cleansed, I am God
s child!
Thank You, Jesus, You have paid a high price for the way to heaven. I lay down all my sins before You and ask for forgiveness. Please wash me .of all dirt, free me of all guilt. Fill me with Your Spirit and guide me on holy path. Glory, You are with me.