Finally free! – 2020.01.12
On a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in a synagogue…
Luke 13:10
… a woman was there who had been crippled by spirit for 18years. She was was bent over and could not straighten up at all. When Jesus saw her, He called her forward and spoke to her: “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity”. And healing happened. The synagogue leader and other pious protested as it was Sabbath day. But Jesus replied: After such a long time of agony shouldnt I make the woman well again? The woman and with her many others were overjoyed that she now could stand up straight again and look up to the sky.
words were followed by deeds. As James says: faith without deeds is dead! The teachings of Jesus, which are far beyond human wisdom, are alive, change and set free!!!
The word that Jesus teaches is powerful!. His teachings are accompanied by miracles and signs. Today in the services I am mainly stuffed with theological interpretations and other smart words. When I am back home nothing has changed. However, Jesus
Some deny that there are evil spirits. Jesus, however, saw and commanded them. Some are of the opinion that God is not healing anymore today. They do not know God who still has the suffering of His children on His heart. He has not changed. He healed yesterday, heals today and tomorrow as well as He is a merciful Lord.
Since some time I often come in contact with people via email or facebook. I then realize that they are bound in some way and not protected against the devils work. It then happens that we enter into personal prayers via internet or on the phone. And often God reveals to me in which way the devil still have access to him. It could be that an ancestor
s satan cult or similar dangerous power is still influencing him. In this case one prays for releasement of bondage in the name of Jesus, asks for forgiveness, that a restored life is possible again for brother and sister. Yes, there are good results, thank God, healing occurs. One time when I asked a husband whether his wife is doing well he replied: She is singing again! – Hallelujah, the Lord still heals!
Thank You, Jesus, You are still the same and love your people. You want liberation from the yoke of the enemy. Yes, Lord, please use us that we proclaim loudly your name in which there is healing and salvation.