Forgiven and Forgotten – 2015.03.27
But if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from everything we’ve done wrong.
1 John 1:9
He forgives my debt, sin and failure! All that I confess Him, He forgives. He does not apologize or trivialize my failure, but deletes it completely; He forgets and sinks my debts into the deepest sea and provides a shield: Fishing forbidden! Yes, it is wonderful, the Lord will delete all of my offenses and will no longer remember them.
But that’s not because I’m actually a fine, good, wonderful person who only sins occasionally. No, sin, this tendency to be against God and His Word, is sitting deep in my heart. Again and again the rebellion against God flames up and we easily go astray, if we do not keep firmly in Jesus. We are not able to be as we actually should! Read it in 1 Corinthians 13 of how little use it is, when you always try to be perfect. And then read about the characteristics of love. We are not able to love with this divine love, just as we should. This can only be God Himself, and when He reigns in our hearts, He makes it through us.
He forgives me for His sake. He is faithful and just. With him, words and actions are congruent. He does not act differently than what He says and promises. With Him you can find one hundred percent loyalty and justice. He is not capricious and " I love you sometimes and sometimes you don’t matter to me". He is immutable.
He has redeemed us from the rights that the devil owns of us. This has cost Him His Son – Jesus died for us at the cross. He has paid such a high price for us. Will He ever forget us? No, we are so much worth to Him as much He has paid for us!
If He forgives and forgets our sins completely, may we still think about themf? No, we would offend Him! If He forgives my brother’s sins, may I be so petty and accuse Him with his fault? No, otherwise it could be that Jesus no longer forgives me.
He wants us to be pure, holy and just. Therefore He reveals our sins and errors. Because then He can forgive them and heal us from it. We have many hidden defects, selfishness, pride, rebellion, unbelief, envy, bitterness … Sometimes our siblings help us to see our own fault. Then we do not want to be offended.
Thank you, Jesus, You completely forgive and forget my fault! How should I completely grasp this? Thank you, now I’m utterly pure and sanctified from You again – Undeserved, just because of Your grace. Explore me where is still sin in the depths of my heart: Rebellion, pride, bitterness, envy … Bring it to light, so that it can be forgiven and healed. Thanks, You are the God who is very kind to me.
Bible reading today: Psalm 52, 1 – 11