God may be found – 2015.07.16
I let myself be found by those who did not seek me; I revealed those who did not ask for me. About Israel but he says: All day long I have held out my hands to a disobedient and obstinant people.
Romans 10: 20f.
Have our people God wanted or asked for God? No, but missionaries brought the Gospel and some took it on willingly. God himself revealed himself and could be found.
And we, were we looking for him and asking for him? Many probably not. Yet God revealed Himself and could be found. As we are of course happy!
And what about the many people who live without a relationship with God that actually do not know God at all? He promises: I will let them find me and reveal myself. But it not happen, if nobody tells them who God is and what the path to God is.
God wants to encourage us to show others the gospel of Jesus Christ. Everyone has their own method and ability to it to tell others. At the end of the Gospel of Mark, Jesus promises: "And they went forth and preached everywhere. . While the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by the signs that happened "
Lydia, a woman from Philippi, heard the gospel of Paul and The Lord opened her heart she found the Lord, he revealed himself to her.. (Acts 16, 14).
So it’s a lot more to God than to us if we continue to share the gospel. He can open their heart, he can be found and reveal himself. How should we reveal God to people? We can only proclaim, the real work has to do God. But we can help him much, as we have a good relationship with Jesus, living and speak well of him, which is a good report. And we must pray expectantly, because he wants to find other people and to show them. Cheer !! God wants to be found! He stretches out his hand to people who do not yet know Him!
And we ourselves? Are we in God’s hands, in good contact with Him? Or He stretch out his hands in vain for us and are we stubborn, rebellious and disobedient? How many blessings are lost on us if we have God only in our mouth and otherwise go our separate ways!
Thank you, Jesus, I found you! That was certainly not my merit. No, you have loved me so much that you showed me yourself. And when I saw your love, I said yes. Give me hope for other people who do not know you!
Bible Reading Today: Luke 20: 1 – 26