God speaks  –  2019.11.12

God speaks  –  2019.11.12

Is not my word like fire
and like a hammer,
that breaks a rock in pieces? –
Saying of the Lord.
Jeremiah 23, 29

Yes, that’s God’s Word. It is powerful enough to crush fortresses, like the Berlin Wall. It is powerful enough to create the whole earth. It is powerful enough to call things into existence out of nowhere, like our ministry. It is HE, the living Word.
His Word is not powerless like our words. His Word is pure energy.
I have experienced Him speaking loud and clear in the midst of the greatest noise; it now reminds me a little of Saul when he was on his way to Damascus and Jesus spoke to him. (Such personal talk of God with man is not common, however.)
His Word is also gentle and quiet, as Elijah experienced the Lord. He was not in the storm and not in the fire, but in the silence He came.
Is that why we have such a hard time withstanding the silence, because that is when He speaks? But if we want to hear Him, we must endure the silence! There He forms us, there He shows Himself, there He speaks to our hearts.
He also speaks through the Holy Scriptures. The verses that He wants to show me look at me strangely, totally different from all the other verses. (I cannot describe it any other way). When I then look at them more closely, they speak to me and God shows me many things.
And yet another way to hear His voice is in fellowship with the brothers and sisters. You yourself are often blind to new, unfamiliar things. And the brother is sometimes able to open your ears to new thoughts, or pour still immature thoughts into form, or renew your wrongful thinking through a short question.
God has so many possibilities to speak! HE likes to talk to us! Let’s use all possibilities so that we don’t become one-sided or just keep going in circles! He wants to create something new and go forward; – are we ready?

Lord, give me courage to seek You and to hear Your Word! It is often uncomfortable for me, yes, but it is so necessary for me! Thank You for speaking out of love, not to punish. Thank You, I am safe and secure with You. You take me to my goal.

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