God’s child
See what kind of love the Father has given to us in that we should be called God’s children, and that is what we are!
1 John 3, 1
Many call themselves children of God, but they are not. Although everything seems to be all right, they realize themselves that there is something shady about it: Between them and God is a distance. He is not their personal and warmly father; – And they are not His children.
It is not to condemn anyone. Because we can never know exactly how it looks in the other’s heart. It’s about the help to be a true child of God, or to become. Many religions seek God and offer ways to Him. But it always is very difficult to find the benevolence of God. However, our Father, Jesus Christ just loves us. He is our Creator! And He wants more: He wants us to be His real children! Not only in name we are to be “Christians”, but with all our heart!
He will dwell in our hearts with all His love and wants to be father and king there. We want to invite Him into our hearts and let Him rule. He should throw out everything that does not honor Him, all falsity, dishonesty, untruthfulness, lying and deception, loose-packed words, selfishness and pride. We want His spirit of humility, charity, compassion, patience and love. We want to belong to Him entirely and trust Him completely. Then His peace will fill our hearts and we will remember: He the Father loves us!
Thank You, Father for giving me Your love; – I don’t need to elaborate it. I am Your child! And this I do not deserve as well, but it is Your choice. Father, how much do You love me, when You have chosen me! I can not understand that You really want me, but I will accept it in faith, for Jesus has said it.