God`s Speeches — 2016.01.24
Were not our hearts burning within us while He talked to us on the road?
Luke 24:32
There were the 2 disciples on the road to Emmaus. Their beloved Jesus had been crucified and their hope had died. They were deeply sad. A man joined them on the road and talked to them about the death of Jesus and explained them what the bible said about this event. However, they did not recognize Him. But their hearts were burning within them when they listened to the words and thoughts of God and understood them. And yet they lacked faith. Only when Jesus broke the bread at the table, gave thanks, their eyes were opened.
Likewise it happened with us: Jesus is speaking to us and we feel inwardly very much touched. However, we do not realize that it is Jesus. We will change that! For the Lord likes to talk to His children.
At a Christian conference God spoke to me during my quiet time: I will take care of you always. However, somehow I took that no so seriously. I continued looking after me myself with much sorrow and grief. Only slowly I was able to accept that the Lord of Lords was speaking: I care for you! Gradually I learnt to give all my existential fears, my problems and afflictions to Him. This was for me a long learning process. How many of my sorrows could have been avoided if I would have taken His words seriously from the start!
It is a matter of faith. When Jesus speaks to us, our hearts are burning. We realize that if we pay attention! It is our choice whether we disregard His words, consider them as stupid, or whether we take them seriously and trust them.
Our Lord likes to talk to us. He asks us to pay attention to that as He longs to have fellowship with us. His words are life for us!
Thank You, Jesus, You talk to me! Your words are life for me! They comfort and strengthen me! I need fellowship with You as in You is piece and great joy. You love me endlessly!
Bible reading today – 1 Corinthians 15: 34 – 44