God`s Upbringing – 2020.07.05
For He wounds, but He also binds up;
He injures, but His hands also heal.
Job 5:18
Very easily we think that God wants to punish us for any kind of act. If something goes wrong we immediately think it`s from Him and reflexively ask us what we have done incorrectly.
However, God is not so, quite different! He is the merciful Lord who sympathizes with us children. He is not looking for revenge, does not punish withpout reason. He does not enjoy it when we fall into the trap of the enemy by going our own way. No, He warns us, wants to bring us up just as children are brought up, wants to draw us near to His heart to make us fit for life.
Today during lunch the food of one of my sons kept falling from his fork and also from his plate until we remembered: We forgot to pray and to thank for the meal. We quickly caught that up now later and the peace was there again. No food fell aside anymore. This is the way how God brings us up.
So many people report that they would not have found Jesus without almost fatal accidents. Without bad illness, without tragic prison stays they would never had looked for God and heard His voice.God allows evil that we return to Him. This is how He bring us up. He loves us, wants to give us the best. And God is faithful He will not let you be tempted beyond you can bear. He always treats us fairly even if we often do not feel like that.
The verse before Job 5:18 says: “Blessed is the one whom God corrects; so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty.”
Further on the Hebrews chapter 12:10 says: “They (the parents) disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share His holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however,it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”
Thank You, Jesus, I can trust You even when a lot goes wrong. I am sure You want my best. You want me to grow up, to grow in maturity, sustainability,and strength. With You I will be successful! I am ready to go through the school of discipline, will not refuse to learn. Shape me, as You think it best for me!