Good and bad fruit – 2019.06.21

Good and bad fruit – 2019.06.21

By their fruit you will recognise them ….
Matthew 7, 16

The topic here is false prophets. You can recognise them if you have trained ears and eyes. You can expose their teachings where they are against Christ. You can unmask their deeds if the prophets have sources other than Jesus, if they are egoists who want to produce their own wisdom or make a good name for themselves. There are many actors and esoterics in the church of Jesus! – Jesus knows them now, but one day He will say, “Away with you, I do not know you”, even if they have performed miracles in His name.
When I read this verse, the question immediately comes up: “And what about me? Is my fruit always good? Somehow I feel like a tree that has two kinds of fruit, good and bad. And that gives me a hard time. Jesus is very radical: A good tree bears good fruit, and a bad tree bears bad fruit…
The fruit grows through the Holy Spirit: patience, peace, mercy, love, joy, discipline …. It grows just as the Holy Spirit does. All I have to do is ensure that I remain open to Him, as the tree needs the light, and fertilizer and water and good soil. That is my responsibility. His responsibility is to let the fruit grow, because I cannot do that myself. If I am completely one with Jesus, one heart and one soul, the fruit will be strong and good. If I hang to all sides, many fruit are dried up or only tiny or even rotten.
How good that Jesus always forgives my guilt when I ask Him and repent. Yes, He washes me clean every day; – I need it, I am only human.
I rejoice and am relieved that Jesus is my judge and not myself or another person. He frees me. He sees only the good fruit, He throws away the bad ones, into the sea, where it is at its deepest.
So I do not want to be judged or condemned by others, and I also do not want to do the same to others. But I should and must judge some leaders, prophets and apostles. I am to test their teaching and their lives. And I should and must take a stand on this; or should my brother perish because I do not warn him?
Judging and condemning are two different things! – And I must do everything with reservation, for I too am a fallible man. How good that God is gracious to me!

Thank You, Jesus, You do not condemn me, instead, You forgive me. You throw away all my bad fruit and let new, good ones grow. Thank You!

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