Gratitude – 2015.09.25

Gratitude – 2015.09.25

Then you and the Levites and the foreigners residing among you shall rejoice in all the good things the Lord your God has given to you and your household.
Deuteronomy 26:11

There is supposed to be a feast once a year: when all the fruits and crops have been harvested. Everyone should remember that God is the one that let everything grow. He has to give his blessing otherwise nothing will grow. Everything depends on Him. Everything is ruled by our mighty God: rain and sun, day and night, warmth and cold. A hailstorm at a bad time can ruin the harvest. Rain to early or to late will cause a poor harvest. How dependent are we on this blessings of God! We see it and we want to be thankful.
Everyone is blessed by God but to bless his grateful children it is a special pleasure to Him. It is supposed to be a joyful celebration! When we look back on all the good that was done for us by the Lord, we can look joyful, brave, and confident into the future. When we are discontent and remember only that which did not work out, we will not expect anything good from the future. God acts on our faith.
It is nice to say thanks before eating, because He is the donor of all good things. He makes sure we have work and money. He cares for food and drinks. Even small children should understand this connection. We work so we can buy food but it is Gods job to provide us with work and to make sure there is food to buy. He even controls our breath – when He withdraws His Spirit we are done.
The question is: did I work for all this or granted God my work to be successful? This is where Christians have a different view on the world. And it is just a question of what we see. Do we actually pay attention on the good things God provides or do we notice ever only the bad? This is what separates Gratitude and discontent – and in consequence trust in God or pettiness.
Thank You dear Father! You command the sun to shine and everything to grow. You control everything with Your strong hand. Thanks for the job and thanks for the bread! Thank You for taking care of me! You are the spring of my life. I will celebrate You and praise Your greatness!
Bible reading today: Psalm 136:1-26

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