Growing Faith – 2016.12.14

Growing Faith – 2016.12.14

Jesus says: Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in Me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.
John 14:12
With works as mentioned above signs and wonder are meant, done by Jesus. Like Him we should bring about miracles as well. But this seems to be the exception nowadays.
What is the reason for that? It is our lack of faith, Jesus says. We do not trust Him enough, have no power to pray for the sick ones, or simply for parking places, or for lost things. We even do not think about to approach Him with our queries. By answering our prayers Jesus wants to build up our faith.
A first step to grow in faith would be the receipt of revelation: God is present! Many say yes to that. They also would go along with the 2nd step that God has the power to heal. However they have problems with the 3rd step that Jesus fervently wish to heal and suffers that we are weak to speak it out in His name. Surely Jesus wants to help us. With just a further step of faith we will be able to pray for healing and other things with trust in His name.
Often an attitute of inferiority are preventing us to pray for supernational things. We have difficulties to understand the salvation power of Jesus and do not take it as ours. Self-condemnation is liked by the enemy. Not so by God!  Only when I am totally certain that I am loved and purified through Jesus I will have the confidence to pray effectively for the possible and impossible. I will then do the great step of faith: God wants to heal and He will do that through me!!!
When this is clearly revealed to me then I will look for the next occassion to obey and pray for the needy.
Jesus will bless this step of faith. He has promised us to answer our prayers. He wants to reward our obedience and trust even if we were afraid and had doubts in the beginning.
Certainly I will not produce miracles as on the conveyor belt. But amazingly often He answered my prayers when I came to Him with intercession for others.  Not always I know why He does that but I am deeply thankful whenever God is working through me.
Let us be more courageous in future! We cannot fall deeper than in Jesus mighty hands.
Dear Jesus! Thank you for encouraging me to pray. Thank you, that You trust me. Thank You, that You purified me from all evil. Thank You, that You live in me and love me so much. Yes, I will trust You and will continue to go in faith boldy. Thank you for Your help!
Bible reading today – Psalm 31: 1-9

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