Growing weary – 2016.07.15

Growing weary – 2016.07.15

I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people… You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not gown weary.
Acts 2,2f

Our Heavenly Father knows our efforts and our deeds, even when done covertly. There is nothing we do for Him that He does not see. Even the small glass of water given to the thirsty will not be forgotten. One day He will tell us all of that and say: Well done! You have done that unto me.
He sees us standing up in public to honor His name. He sees us standing against injustice, corruption, immorality and exploitation; because we cannot get used to it and cannot tolerate it. He sees everything! – but He forgets the bad. Yes, His forgiveness of our sins and failures is so all encompassing that He forgets the bad. It is deleted from the Book in which all our thoughts, words and deeds are written; – it is simply gone. Only the good remains. That is how important, freeing and wonderful our salvation is!
He knows where we carried heavy burdens and tolerated injustice. He sees us where we persevere and cling to Him. He knows our heart; how much it searches for Him and wants to serve Him.
But many have grown weary over the years. They seldom pray, seldom read their Bibles and seldom come to gatherings. The fight has weakened them. They stay home, in comfort, or allow themselves to be tempted by other things.  Jesus calls these people: “Wake up! Return to the love with which you once loved me and I loved you! Rekindle the fire that once burned for me! Don’t allow your life to go by meaninglessly!
Jesus remained the same: His love for us is always burning. Only we “retire”. But the Lord loves us just as He did in the beginning and wants to recall us into this love. Remember from where you fell and take a look at your life today. No, that is not how it should be!

Dear Lord Jesus, forgive me for retreating from the fight to find calm. I know that I can find peace only in You and at You heart. Yes, Lord, I have grown weary. Please renew in me the fire of Your Spirit! I want to stand up again and walk the road with You!

Bible study for today: 1. Peter 2, 11-25

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