He is coming – 2015.10.31
Look, he is coming with the clouds,
and every eye will see him,
even those who pierced him
Revelation 1: 7Jesus, our Christ, is coming back soon, to save those who believe in Him! He is coming with the clouds; He is raised above everything. He does not come as a little baby – as it was then in Bethlehem, but as King of Kings. Everyone will see Him in His glory and power. Like a lightning across the whole earth, he is suddenly there and visible to all. For Him we wait, He is our hope and our king.
Many believe it will not be long until it happens. The signs are increasing and the disasters and problems on Earth grow over our heads. Where is the solution for everything? He, the King of kings will create order.
All those who pierced Him: That is us human beings. Because of our sins, He hung on the cross. Our debt is the spear that pierced him. He hung there and prayed: Father, punishing me for the guilt of Frank and William, Agnes and Friderike! Father, I will suffer death, so that they no longer need it. And God listened to him: He punished Jesus for my fault; He allowed Jesus to die, so I no longer have to suffer death.
There are so many people who have pierced Jesus! Every little lie, and the spear penetrates a little deeper … And Jesus is silent, He does not blame you. He says: Yes, because you needed it, I suffered.
So many blaspheme and mock Jesus. You will see it, that He laughs about it. Where will their wisdom and wise sayings be then?
Jesus has a concern: Who, Whom shall I send? Anyone who wants to be my messenger? Let him send you to the lost. Witness Jesus, the Savior! He wants to give love for the lost and equip us to proclaim the Gospel. He alone is the Savior!
Thank you, Jesus, You will come and raise Your kingdom! Then all the injustice and all the pain will be over. You will dry our tears and heal our hearts. Then immense joy will reign! Yes, Lord, we are waiting for You! Send me so that they can find to the lost, to You!
Bible Reading Today: Proverbs 14, 1-35