He makes all things new! – 2014.12.26
Don’t remember the prior things;
don’t ponder ancient history.
Look! I’m doing a new thing;
now it sprouts up; don’t you recognize it?
Isaiah 43:18f
Christmas and the New Year are often quiet times in which we think about the past year and set the course for the New Year. God wants to give us courage! It does not have to remain as it is; – He wants to do something new.
God has great thoughts and plans for us! For us, for our church, our city and our country. He sees the parched, barren land, the darkness that is spreading everywhere, and the injustice that reigns. He wants to make something new, don’t we recognize it?
It is as if a large dam separates the dried up land from the life-giving water. But the water in the reservoir rises and rises. Every time we worship and praise Him, the water level rises. Every time our faith is into action and we show mercy to the poor, the water of grace increases. All our prayers fill the dam, and it gets fuller and fuller, until it overflows. Then the living water will flood the dry, barren land and it will come to blossom. Your life will never be arid and dry. Our country is filled with the glory and mercy of God. It will come into His vocation and be a blessing to other people. Yes, God has big plans for us and our people! – Don’t we recognize it?
He is waiting for us; – When are we going to stand up and take the place He has given us? He waits to pour out His grace over our lives; – Don’t we recognize it?
We want to make ourselves available for the Lord and consecrate our lives to Him. He is worth it! The power of grace and life should flow to our withered, dry land, and bring life, joy, peace and mercy!
Thank you, Jesus, You came as a small, helpless baby. But God has raised You and now You are the great, almighty King! We adore You, because You’re worth it! We give ourselves to You, please, pour out the living water over our lives and our country!