Healing – 2016.09.14
Then your light will break forth like the dawn,
and your healing will quickly appear. …
Then your light will rise in the darkness,
and your light will become like the noonday.
saiah 58: 8+10
God wants to heal His people, to fill them with joy, that it shines like the dawn and overcome all darkness. But there is written a little "then"! There are conditions.
The people of Israel indeed searched the Lord. But it did not take it seriously. There was misery and oppression among the people. One betrayed the other; owe money was collected ruthlessly; and they talked bad about others even when they were fasting. Lies and deceits became normal. How God could bless their fasting with this impious attitude? How He could dwell inmidst of such a naughty people? However, God will not condemn His people, wants to bring it back on the right path instead. He wants to bless it, heal the wounded, bring those to light who live in darkness. He is there and wait for us. He has a good recipe to cure these wounds: If you see a person in need do not look away! Forget your interests and have mercy with him. God is present and can heal us when we forget ourselves, put the other higher than us.
We are not only suffering from a material neediness. The inner distress is much, much greater. If we open our eyes and see the afflictions with the eyes of Jesus then we could be a great blessing for others, dare to make the first steps towards the other. We can spend money, or spend our time, show compassion, can pray.for others.
As it is written in the Old Testament, so it should be: Give your body as a living sacrifice which pleases the Lord. Yes, we have overcome ourselves and are dead to the world then we finally can live in a way which pleases the Lord, are a blessing for others.
Thank You, Jesus, You like to bless and heal. You want to transform my darkness into light. Yes, I come to You and want to be a sacrifice; I want to die to live only for You. Come fill me with Your Holy Spirit who creates new life.
Bible reading today – John 3: 22-36