Help against violent people – 2015.009.01
You, Lord, hear the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed, so that mere earthly mortals will never again strike terror.
Psalm 10:17-18
Is it not great, we are not dependent on the good will of other people? The powerful are not allowed to do whatever they want – God put a line in place that should not be crossed. They mock God and disdain his patience. They think: He does not punish! But the Lord notices everything and the end is waiting for the godless sinners. At the moment i might be envious of their success and their luxury but i do not want to trade with them in the end. The end will be terrible if they do not repent from the bottom of their heart and return to the Lord.
The Lord knows what those godless people do to me. He satisfied my desire and with him i can rest – He comforts me. He strengthens my heart so i can be upstanding. He listens to my prayers. He lifted his right hand to help me. Truly he is my castle and my refuge, my quiet friend, my source … He is everything for me.
He will give me justice. Not necessarily in court or when arguing with others. But he will make up for everything that has been done to me. He does not just make up for it but He will shower me in his mercy. With Him, close to His heart, i am well. However, i have to waiver my right for vengeance and justice to him. In return i get my right in Jesus: peace, joy, mercy, comfort, strength, and hope.
He notices the weak, the poor, the orphans, and the depressed. He cares deeply for those. He wants us to seek them and tell them about the Father who loves his children. In our land are so many people who are without hope, without comfort, without care, and without encouragement! He wants to turn their destiny to the better and become their God of hope. We want to bring them the mercy of God, even if their hearts are still hard.
In the Kingdom of God no earthly mortals will strike terror anymore. There, he himself is the King who rules divine. He protects His from being falsely afraid of people. He overturns the powerful who think they can rule over their brothers and sisters. He is King and no one else is.
Thank You Father, for You are full of mercy! You search for the weak and listens to prayer. You care! You put the powerful into place. And You are my protection and my help. With You i am save.
Bible reading today: Psalm 119:25-48