His People — 2016.01.02
My people over whom my name is called out….
2 Chronicles 7, 14
God’s holy name is proclaimed over His people. These are the Israelis and the disciples of Jesus. He puts His holy name to this people; – His name is not to shame Him, He wants to identify with us.
He linked His name and thus himself with his people. Their story should be His, and their actions and words should be His. He wants to be very very close to them, HE, the Holy One.
He wants His people surrounded, as the mountains surround Jerusalem; – a strong rampart.
He wants to bless all people on earth through His people. We should be a blessing!
He wants to help us in times of trouble, because His name is proclaimed over us. When people see us, they will see God himself.
But He is holy! How can a holy God be with us "unholy" people? The verse continues:
If My people who are called by my name, humble themselves and pray, seek me, and turn from their wicked ways, then I hear it in heaven. I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. My eyes should now be open for prayer in this place and my ears should pay attention.
Yes, when we seek Him and keep us from sin, if we humble ourselves before Him, confess our sins, He sanctifies us. Then He listens to our prayer and crying. He is a merciful God.
And if we continue on the path of sin, when we go on our way without Him, then He will leave us to our fate. The history of Israel and also the Church’s history is full of examples of how God leaves His people because of their stubbornness and delivers it to its fate. So it should not be with us! We want to seek His face and humble ourselves before Him. We know how imperfect we are and how unholy our heart is without Him. We need Him, His closeness, His power, His Spirit who leads us on the right path. Then everyone can recognize: This is the people, about whom the name of God is proclaimed!
Thank you, Jesus, that through You God’s holy name is put upon us! We are Your people! You are holy and thanks to Your forgiveness we are also holy. Lord, help us to go again this year in Your ways, so You are with us! We need You!!
Bible Reading Today: 1 Corinthians 4: 1 – 21