His Word – 2015.02.27
Isn’t my word like fire
and like a hammer that shatters rock?
Jeremiah 23:29
We humans have with our words the power to change the lives of others. We manipulate each other with words, the propaganda of the powerful deceives whole nations, and we’re encouraging ourselves fail. We educate our children with words and make them big or talk them into believing a bad thing. Words determine our lives, sometimes like lead and sometimes like life. We like to remember encouraging, praise and when we remember derogatory insults, we become sad.
But the Word of God creates life. In creation, we read: God says something and it is. He says: Let there be light! And the light was there. Everything is created by the powerful Word of God. Through His Word, God makes us healthy and even raises people from the grave. His word is energy, stronger than fire, mightier than a hammer, more intensive than a bomb. He even calls things into existence, which previously did not exist, God creates something new out of nothing.
His Word determines lives. It has the power to make us to what God has in mind. It has the power to heal. It has the power to heal memories so that certain things don’t hurt anymore. It has the power to overcome resistance. It has the power to change lives!
We want to declare God’s Word about ourselves and our children and others. It will change us and our environment.
The powerful of the world will know it: If you repeat something loud enough and constantly, the people believe it and it slowly becomes their deepest conviction. We as God’s people want to repeat and express His word loudly and constantly. It is positive, life-creating, enriching and healing.
If He personally speaks to us, we remember it clearly. Sometimes we have developed a tactic to wrest us from His Word. But if we allow it, He speaks words of power into our lives. He is the God who creates life! We want to trust in Him and His Word!
Thank you, Jesus, You are the living Word of God. You are energy, strength and power. You can heal and connect through Your Word. You can create something new through Your powerful word. Please, Lord, speak to me! I want to hear!